To understand the Louisiana Meat Store, you must first be introduced to Foodway!
Foodway, at its heart, is a meat processing facility. It began as Gerlach Meat Company in 1948 by our Grandfather Richard D. Gerlach. Keeping the foundation of the company at meat processing, we expanded the corporate footprint by offering canned and frozen goods as well as sugars, flours, spices and seasonings. Foodway became, and remains, a powerful presence in the Food Service industry throughout Louisiana. |
The Louisiana Meat Store was the solution to what to do with extras, overages, and dented cans!
We cleared out some office space up in front of our building, opened the front door and watched to see what would happen. That was in 1997, since then we have taken over the entire front section of the building, expanded our hours, and became one of Foodway's strongest customers!
My brother and I are truly blessed! We have a combined 30 years in this business, and that is backed
up by a company with more than 65 years of stability and success.
We are happy to be able to serve the community with our products.
We cleared out some office space up in front of our building, opened the front door and watched to see what would happen. That was in 1997, since then we have taken over the entire front section of the building, expanded our hours, and became one of Foodway's strongest customers!
My brother and I are truly blessed! We have a combined 30 years in this business, and that is backed
up by a company with more than 65 years of stability and success.
We are happy to be able to serve the community with our products.